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My Story

Hi, I'm Pamela

At 63 years old I am sure I could write a book about my life, so let’s just hit some highlights. I will be going into much detail about my life in my blog.

From birth I was born into a life of manipulation, gaslighting, emotional, physical & sexual abuse. Physical ailments plagued me my whole life starting with chronic bronchitis and epileptic seizures.

When I was a young mother, with 2 children and no support, only manipulation and untruths from my husband, the church & society, I developed lupus and fibromyalgia and went into very early menopause due to the stress on my body. At one point I had to use a wheelchair when I went out with my children because I had very little endurance, strength and I was so tired all the time.

The last 15 years or so in my relationship my daughter opened my eyes to a new way of life, she pointed me on a path to discover myself and what was going on in my life.  At that time, I had no idea how deep the rabbit hole went. My painful struggle called me to look within, to continue seeking and finding my way back to myself, who I was underneath the limiting beliefs I carried, all the lies I was taught. I took a couple energy courses, read so many books. As I took a step forward though so often it felt like I was taking two steps back.

Only when I left a 32-year marriage did I start to uncover why I was sick all the time. I was forced into it, things were so dire, I was at a point that I must figure things out or die. I was so lost in that relationship, I had lost myself, I was devasted to hear truths that were never reveled to me before. How was I so blind, naive, ignorant? How did I allow this to happen? I poured myself into energy healing courses, I questioned my spiritual & religious beliefs. I discovered that the energy work alone did not reveal, heal, all that was going on. 12-16 hours a day, I needed answers and I need them now! I did not want to feel like this anymore. I started realizing what I ate, my ideas, beliefs were not mine. I was next led to a commitment to understanding trauma and how it’s held in the body and the nervous system.

Through this difficult journey, I finally understood why chronic disease, why so many do not leave abusive relationships. I discovered my strength, courage and resilience. I’ve sat with painful emotions, memories and sensations in my body. Through it all, I finally developed and understood self-love, self-esteem and self worth. I discovered freedom, had purpose and a sense of belonging. I started laughing and found happiness and joy.

Through the stories I share in my blog, to Somatic Coaching & Energy Healing, my hope is to assist you in breaking the chains that is keeping you from finding freedom, purpose, peace, and belonging.
Together, I will assist you in rediscovering balance in your life and your true divine self.

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