An article by my daughter, Ella of Opal Dawn Holistic Beauty, explains so well about Crystals, God, and energy, I suggest reading that article about why I use crystals in my Healing Space. I will simply quote a couple of comments from her post.
“Now let’s get sciencey – Crystals have been found to be able to store, and conduct energy, depending on how it is used” “They essentially contain an energy field and emit a specific vibration. Our bodies also possess an energy field and can be affected by the vibrations of stimuli around us, including that of crystals!”
“have crystals in certain areas of your home to enhance the overall vibration of that room. This can be a perfect, subtle, method to permit the vibration of that crystals energy field to shift your own personal energy vibration.”
The long and short of it is, these vibrations and energies work in benefiting and uplifting our mood, mind, and health. Each crystal and stone having its own vibration and healing properties.
Here is a list of the main crystals I have in my Healing Space. I place these crystals at the head and foot of my clients. For my distant healing I place a large 4-foot teddy bear on the couch with the crystals at the head and at the feet of the teddy bear. This allows me to visualize and do my session as if the client is right in my office.
This list can change at any time without any notice. For informational purposes only. The info shared is just some basic knowledge of the crystals. Please, always do your own research.
Tea Topaz Quartz
Topaz soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, re-motivates and aligns the meridians of the body. Stabilises emotions, making you receptive to love from all sources. Topaz is highly effective for affirmations and visualization, meditation and projection, and is an excellent talisman for discerning Divine wisdom and connecting to the heavenly realm.
Chevron Amethyst Quartz
The energies of this crystal can cleanse the aura. It can increase a person’s psychic awareness, strengthening one’s intuitive guidance, and physical vision. It will help to calm an overactive mind. It will enhance relaxation and self-discovery. It is a strong protection stone.
Clear Quartz
The master healer. Amplifies energies. Assist in transferring energy from one form to another.
Activates spiritual awareness & opens our intuition. Balances our emotions. Alleviates stress, grief, and anger.
Rose Quartz
Crystal of unconditional love. Restores trust & harmony. Purifies and opens the heart at all levels.
Strengthens our connection to the metaphysical realm. Creates a shield against negativity both in the external world and within.
Extremely nurturing and grounding. Gently ushers in feelings of true joy, peace, strength, & confidence.
Ultimate cleansing and calming stone. Clears confusion, instills peace, & assists in judgment and insight.