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Writer's picturePamela Rempel

Understanding Colloidal Minerals as a Supplement

I do not know how to shorten this to get my point across about the importance of understanding colloidal minerals other than sharing my story.

I have a couple auto immune diseases/illnesses. My immune system is shot, or at least it used to be. Growing up, I was always sick.

Once I started taking my own colloidal silver, I was no longer sick. In the past 25 years, I have been sick with a cold or flu no more then 4-5 times.

Take the time to read this. Educate yourself, and then you can decide what is the best supplement for you.

I want to start by sharing a story of my understanding and use of Colloidal Minerals.

Over 25 years ago, I tried Colloidal Silver from a company that I trusted. When I started using it, it was clear in colour. And then one day when I bought it, it was yellow. Another time it was even more yellow. I wondered what was going on? Why the sudden colour difference? I did not like the answer I got, so I started my own research.

I discovered that Colloidal Silver should always be clear. Here is a quote from Marc Peterson, author of The Colloidal Production Guide, Second Edition, Updated Version, explaining the different methods of making colloidal minerals. The BOLD print is me explaining what he says:

“…despite which method you use, we want to see a clear colloidal silver. Believe it or not, the higher parts per million (PPM) level does not make a particular batch stronger. It only makes the batch have more, larger, unusable particles that can be wasted away by the body. What we don’t want to see is a dark golden color, or outrageously high parts per million silver. Some colloidal silver, when it has progressed too far, will turn yellow, golden brown, or even grey. Please don’t ingest this, but don’t destroy the batch either, as you can still use it for topical creams or plant fuel. The higher the actual parts per million of given batch gets compounded, the changing colour usually indicates that the silver particles have begun to double and triple in size. The particles are now becoming conglomerated into bigger silver clusters. When the particle clusters get big enough, the clusters begin to reflect light and are actually big enough that the human eye can now perceive them as coloured wavelengths. Keep your batches in the clear range so that you will always know your particle is the smallest size for easier absorption. The smaller the particle, the easier to absorb and affect the body’s pathogens at the cellular level. This actually goes for all colloidal minerals.”

I also discovered something else: the only way to know if you have a true colloidal mineral, is to know and trust the person/company making the silver.

Why is this important? As far as I know, there is no accurate way to test the actual parts per million of colloidal minerals.

In order to test them, you would need to send the batch out for testing. Even if you can find someone to do this, it will be very expensive, and may still not be accurate.

  • A big corporation might have the necessary testing equipment.

  • A TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) Meter tests exactly what is say: the total dissolved solids not the Colloidal Minerals (CM).

  • A Conductivity Tester tests the level of conductivity in a solution, not the PPM. Plus, there is no accurate calculation to turn these levels into ppm for colloidal minerals.

The only true test is the Tyndall Effect. This is where you point an infrared beam at the CM solution and check for the red beam.

Did you know that you need pure distilled water to make Colloidal Minerals?

Distilled water should not be any higher then .02 PPM. Regular tap water will absolutely not work. Mine, for example, comes in at 66 PPM. So, some well-intending, scrupulous person can be using tap water to create their colloidal minerals, and can get a red beam, but in reality, it has no colloidal silver.

Hence why you should know or trust the person you are buying your Colloidal Minerals from.

Back to my story. Understanding all this, I bought my first machine around 25 years ago. I bought distilled water. Interestingly, my machine would not run with some distilled water, especially ozonated. As I made my own silver, I discovered how the red beam would go from not being seen at all, to showing a fine sparkling beam, to a very deep red, thick solid beam. I also left my device running to watch the colour change, and the beam change from clear to dark yellow. One time I left the machine on, only to come home late at night with everything grey and lots of black spots in the water. Needless to say, over time, I learned exactly how I wanted my colloidal silver to be.

This particular machine from 25 years ago had a very low voltage and took forever to make Colloidal Silver (CS). When I left my husband, I wanted to start a business, and I decided to sell CS. The company I chose to buy from also had other machines that made colloidal minerals such as Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, Gold, and Titanium. I bought my own distiller so I could be assured of the quality of my water. Since I do not like waste and wanted to find ways for my customers to save money, I also went with a slightly more expensive wide-mouth amber glass bottle, so I could offer refills. These darker jars prolong the life of the colloidal minerals, and customers can reuse them, either for their next batch of minerals (at a reduced cost), or for something else entirely.

I want to share something about Magnesium and Gold.

First Magnesium. As mentioned, I had health issues, and I knew I needed Magnesium.

I researched so many different types, methods of taking it, and companies that manufactured it. Everyone claimed that THEY had the best magnesium for the body. I finally got sold on one company, and their magnesium product cost me over $60.00 a month. Yet after 2 months, I saw no improvement.

I tried a few other types of magnesium, and I was not impressed with any of them.

Finally, switching to a Colloidal Magnesium became the obvious choice. It was inexpensive and effective. I have had clients use it for children who have trouble sleeping and other children who have growing pains. Adults with insomnia use it and find that they can finally sleep. That being said, some clients with insomnia have other factors at play, such as trauma, but the fact is, they still get great results when they use colloidal magnesium regularly.

Colloidal Gold (CG). Some businesses, in creating CG, use an extremely high voltage, which can be very dangerous. You need to know what you are doing and be extra careful. Using a high voltage produces CG very quickly, but there is a risk of the particles becoming oversaturated and conglomerating.

Colloidal Gold can go from clear to pink to darker red hues, or even violet/purple. The process I use includes heating the water and the voltage is lower then those high voltage machines. I found that the first batch took forever to make. Now for each new batch, half of the liquid is from a previous batch. It can take up to 24 hours to make 500 ml.

I personally believe that using water I have distilled myself, and a lower voltage allows me to make a superior product.

The cost of my Colloidal Gold, a bit higher than some others on the market, but I know that for what you get, it’s still a fantastic deal.

All the rods I use are a pure rod of its element (99.9% pure). My gold rod is 99.9% which makes it 24 kt.

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